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5 Quick And Easy Brain Boosters

Ananga Sivyer

With many of us spending hours a day in front of computer screens, brain fog is becoming an increasingly common concern.

Here are five quick and easy ways to keep clear headed and functional throughout the day.

1. Avoid the head foggers

Refined sugar and caffeine play havoc with your head. They'll have you up one minute and down the next. Grab a glass of the clear stuff if you want your thoughts to be likewise.

Dehydration is a primary cause of poor concentration. So make sure you're regularly drinking water throughout the day.

2. Get Vital!

The brain accounts for a small amount of the body's weight, but a massive amount of its energy expenditure. If it were a car it would do very few miles to the gallon. Vital fresh foods are essential for good brain function. Processed foods grabbed on the go, simply don't cut it.

Nuts, seeds, fruit and vegetables are the tops for brain fuel. Try stashing a bag of almonds or walnuts in your desk for a cranium supporting shot of essential omegas.

3. Simple Supplements

Vitamins C and E are considered essential in good brain health and functioning, studies indicate that they may be useful in warding of Alzheimer's and age related dementia too.

4. Herb Power

A popular brain-boosting herb is gotu kola. Also known as Indian pennywort, gotu kola is used as a tonic for the nerves and brain cells. It is believed to promote clarity, memory, and concentration and has a mildly calming effect on the body too. It's available as a tincture or capsules online, or from most health food shops.

Note: Do not take gotu kola if you are pregnant, breast-feeding, or taking anti-depressants or sedatives.

5. Move it!

Certain body moves are known to balance the brain. Jugging, walking while swinging opposite arms and legs, marching on the spot all help to get the left and right side of the brain working together.

Much of our work stimulates and uses the left side only. Bringing the right hemisphere back online helps with creative problem solving skills and gets us dealing with our world with less stress.

One of my favourite fun ways of getting the brain fit and functional is poi poi - stick the word in google and you'll find plenty of information on what it does and how to get started.

Ananga Sivyer is a contributing editor and health consultant for LifeScape magazine and the author of the self-help workbook: The Art & Science of Emotional Freedom -  For more articles likes this or to sign up for her free "Energy Points" E-zine, visit her web-site at:

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