Martial Arts and Childhood ADHD
Overcoming Symptoms
Mr. Robert L. Jones
The symptoms of ADHD can be devastating for children. It
is especially hard for school-age children who feel isolated
and don't know how to express what they are feeling. They
can become quickly behind academically and socially, which
leads to lack of self-confidence and depression. Symptoms
of childhood ADHD can include inattention, hyperactivity and
impulsivity. One way parents are helping their children is
by having them train martial arts. It is a great way to alleviate
these symptoms and overcome the stress they cause.
1. Inattention.
The first symptom of childhood ADHD is the inability to focus
and lack of attention. This includes not being able to follow
through on tasks, not being able to focus on what other people
are saying and not being able to organize thoughts, tasks
and activities.
2. Hyperactivity.
The second symptom of childhood ADHD is hyperactivity. Children
who suffer from this symptom feel the need to fidget with
their hands and feet. They also tend to get up out of their
seat often (even when it's not an appropriate time) or simply
feel an urge to move around. They also tend to talk excessively
and are always "on the go".
3. Impulsivity.
The third symptom of childhood ADHD is impulsivity. Children
who have difficulty waiting their turns, who often interrupt
and who answer questions before they've been completed may
suffer from this symptom.
Training martial arts may help alleviate many symptoms of
ADHD. Through martial arts children learn physical and mental
self-control through practice and self-discipline. This ability
to control their body also helps them to discipline their
mind. These two skills feed off of one another and carry over
to other parts of your life. The more they learn to control
their body, the more they can control their mind. The more
they can control their mind, the more they'll be able to control
their body. This control carries over to other parts of their
life as well: Once they can control their body while training,
they'll be able to start controlling their urges to move and
fidget. The same goes for their mind. As they become more
self-disciplined, they'll be able to concentrate and focus
on their daily activities, school and relationships.
Even if your child hasn't been officially diagnosed with ADHD,
they may suffer from some or even many of the symptoms. If
so, you owe it to yourself to start alleviating the stress
in their life. The self-discipline and self-awareness needed
to train martial arts helps you stay in control of your environment
and life. The best place to find these skills is at a fine
martial arts school. Why not give it a try? You have nothing
to lose and everything to gain. To make it even easier, I'll
help you get started. Just contact me and I'll send you my
free report on how to pick a martial arts school.
If you are interested in learning more about how martial arts
can help you and your children, please contact one of my three
locations in Bellevue, Lynnwood or Kent, Washington at 800-508-6141
or martialadvice@hotmail.com
to set up a free 2 week trail orientation.
Also, please see our web pages at www.kungfutemple.com
and www.martialarts-instruction.com
Robert Jones
6th Degree Black Belt
Owner, the Academy of Kempo Martial Arts
Robert Jones runs three successful martial arts schools
located in Bellevue, Lynnwood, and Kent, Washington. He has
been helping families make positive changes in their lives
through martial arts for over 20 years. He has also written
two guides on how to pick a martial arts school. One for adults
and one for parents wanting to pick the right school for their
children. He can be reached at martialadvice@hotmail.com
or at the Academy of Kempo Martial Arts. 800-508-6141.
Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.com
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