Win Your MMA Fight - Master The Mental Game In 3 Steps
Buster Nelson
The feeling we get when adrenalin runs through our blood
and no one can beat us is a feeling that you can achieve all
the time. The confidence of it is what we're mostly aiming
for. When there are a few weeks to go before your first fight
one of the most important things to have is faith. Here are
some steps that can get you there.
Set Goals.
Obviously your number one goal is to win the fight. What
about breaking it down into easily attainable chunks? Your
goals achieved in training can directly reflect how you're
going to fight. Try writing out your goals in detail that
brings all your senses into it. What is the sound of your
knee crunching into your opponent's face? Or what does it
feel like to slam your opponent's back to the mat? The more
clarity you have, the more power is in your court.
Realize Your Achievements.
Every time you're in doubt, run through all the mini goals
that you've achieved and reflect how you felt. This is much
easier now because you've actually got them in writing to
look back on. When you're training, you'll take better account
of the faster you're putting combinations together or executing
a specific submission.
Believe in Yourself.
When entering the cage you have nothing better to do but
believe in your abilities and how you're going to be victorious.
There should be no way that anything can make you think that
you're going to lose this fight, because in your mind you
are now the best fighter in the world.
There is obviously much more to the fight game than simply
joining a club and taking classes each week and sign up for
a fight. Training the mental side of things can get you much
farther than anything. Find an MMA training program that has
specific focus on this to elaborate on the training you don't
get from instructors at you training club.
90% of people will never take action towards actually learning
skills outside their local martial arts club. This is what
sets champions apart from amateurs. If you're part of the
10% that likes to take action, take advantage of a FREE MMA
training package at to get an edge on
your fight game.
Limited Time Offer...Hurry.
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