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The International Mental Game Coaching Association

Looking for a mental game coach? Want a coach to help you reach peak performance more often? Browse our list of International Mental Game Coaching Association (IMGCA) member coaches and see what they have to offer you. Contact the coaches directly to inquire about their services.

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Coaches Showcase

Bill Cole, MS, MABill Cole, MS, MA
Founder and President of The
International Mental Game Coaching Association

Bill Cole, MS, MA, is an internationally recognized performance psychology expert and mental game coach who has been inducted into multiple Halls of Fame. He's an award-winning presentation coach and scholar-athlete and an author of multiple books and over 550 articles published worldwide.

Bill has been a leader in the field of sport psychology for over 40 years, as a scholar, researcher, writer, teacher, coach, athlete, trainer, speaker and consultant.

He's been the mental game coach or sports psychology consultant with athletes or coaches of 19 world and national teams, nine international and Olympic teams, 32 professional sports teams, associations or leagues, and of athletes who have won 36 world and national championships. He's been the mental game trainer for thousands of athletes, coaches and parents in over 100 sports, at all ages and skill levels.

Bill's imaginative, visionary work has been profiled thousands of times in both the electronic and print media, and as a media personality Bill has developed, pitched and sold his ideas in Hollywood and has successfully worked in front of the camera, as well as behind it:

"Bill Cole is a leading Olympic sports psychologist."
British Broadcasting Corporation (The BBC)

"Bill Cole is a world-leading authority on sports psychology."
New Idea Magazine, Coleman-Rayner, LLC

"Bill Cole is a leading author on sports psychology."
Yahoo! Sports

"Bill Cole is a renowned sports psychologist and 'mental game coach' who helps athletes cope with the demands of intense competition."
CNET Magazine


408-705-8877 Phone

Erik Flowers, The Athlete WhispererErik Flowers
"The Athlete Whisperer"
Owner of Body Builders Gym
Los Angeles

Level II IMGCA Certified Mental Game Coach

Body Builders Gym, Los Angeles, was listed the #1 gym in L.A. '05. Peak Performance Training is based at Los Caballeros Racquet/Sports Club, Fountain Valley, CA.

Erik Flowers received worldwide recognition for ElliptiSize, a trademarked cardio workout. He has appeared on CNN, MTV, Good Day L.A., Entertainment Tonight, and has been featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine and also numerous times in the L.A. Times.

He is the author of three books, has been a public speaker for 25+ years and a Personal Trainer since 1979. Highlight was teaching boxing basics to 30+ orphans in Behar, India in '04.

714-655-1333 Voice

1393 Galway Ln
Costa Mesa, CA 92626-2608

Dr. Mario Garcia, Mario Garcia, PhD, JD, MBA, PCC, LMHC
Mental Game of Peak Performance Expert

Level IV IMGCA Certified Mental Game Professional Coach, Licensed Trainer in the IMGCA Certification Training Program and IMGCA Advisory Board Member

Dr. Mario Garcia is a Professional Certified Coach (ICF); Board Certified Coach (CCE); certified and trained by one of the top peak performance coaches in the globe. He is an Attorney & counselor at law; business owner; conference speaker and professor of peak performance, leadership and psychology & clinical counseling with adjunct status at various universities in both English and Spanish languages.

He is a United States Army Captain (retired), served in various positions including aviation commander, recruiter, and acquisition research and development, and project manager for billion dollar contracts. Dr.

Garcia has been serving in the Miami area since 1999. His professional efforts focus on assisting entrepreneurs, corporate executives, physicians, attorneys, individuals, couples, families and work groups to productively identify, understand and address the issues that are influencing or shaping their lives, families, businesses and/or professions. In that regard, Dr. Mario is most professionally fulfilled when he is helping others resolve sensitive, complex, and important "people-related" issues, resulting in abundant living. He has been coaching since 1992 with over 20,000 clients in 55 countries in both English and Spanish languages.

He has received numerous awards, including Daily Business Review's Most Effective Lawyer for 2009; U.S. Army Meritorious Service Medal 1993; Ten Outstanding Young American in Humanitarian Service, U.S. Junior Chamber of Commerce 1990; Ten Outstanding Young Person of the World, in Moral Leadership, 1990; and the U.S. Army Humanitarian Service Medal.

305-480-5800 Voice

10751 SW 104th Street
Miami, FL 33176

Marios Prodromou, mental coachMarios Prodromou - Mental Coach

Level I IMGCA Certified Mental Game Instructor

Marios Prodromou graduated from the College of New Jersey with a Master's degree in Education. He has a Bachelor of Science from the University of Indianapolis (Summa Cum Laude) and is also a member of numerous high IQ societies at the 4 sigma level. These societies include the prestigious "Prometheus" where only 1/30000 usually can qualify.

He is also a member of Mensa which is the most well-known IQ society in the world.

He has developed strategies to help his clients utilize their intelligence and develop their personality. Has over 5 years of experience in mentoring and mental mind coaching in Cyprus. Enjoys working with kids as he strongly believes that personality is developed in the younger years. Marios has clients from all over Cyprus and some even drive across the country to meet and work with him. His area of specialization is soccer but has also helped athletes who compete in swimming and even sailing.

Marios looks forward to working with you.


Radek SefcikIng. Radek Sefcik

Level IV IMGCA Certified Mental Game Professional Coach

Ing. Radek Sefcik is a professional martial arts and mental coach, a leading hand-to-hand combat expert for military/police special units in Slovakia. He has been intensively working in the Martial Arts game for more than 20 years. He is the owner of the JKD SLOVAKIA company, which has also been focusing on mental coaching and on muscle balance and function development® / MBF®/ system among top elite athletes. Mental coaching clients are top WTA and ATP Czech tennis players, pro soccer players, pro soccer coaches, MMA fighters, motocross racers, IPSC shooters, and many more. Recently he started to conduct team mental coaching workshops for elite police / military units in Slovakia as well.

Harichovce, eastern Slovakia
Levocska 68

Tel: +421/918800693

Jessie Bowen - Sport Hypnosis Coach

North Carolina, USA

Phil DuBois - Youth Sports Coach and Former Professional Football Player
Level I IMGCA Certified Mental Game Instructor

Virginia, USA

Richard Green - Performance Enhancement Coach


David Hastings: Sports Performance Mind Coaching & Sports Hypnosis


John Hill: Mental Performance Coaching


Michelle Hoines - Professional Accredited Personal and Mental Performance Coach

California, USA

Emma James - Mental Coaching and Elite Performance Optimisation


Geoffrey Jamieson - Croquet Mental Game Coach


Dave Kari - Performance Coach


Eric Kolesar - Performance Coach

California, USA

Mieke Kramer, MS - Peak Performance Sports Coach
Level I IMGCA Certified Mental Game Instructor

Georgia, USA

Hélène Mayotte - Mental Coach & Sport, Personal and Business Performance Coach

Montreal, Qc, CANADA

Julie Merrick - Mental Game Coach specializing with teens
Level I IMGCA Certified Mental Game Instructor

California, USA

Jean Relou - High Performance

Shafizal Shahidan - Mental Game Coach

Malaysia/ Indonesia

Lance Snow - Business/Presentation/Sales Coaching

Pennsylvania, USA

Ernest Solivan - Sports, Business & Personal Peak Performance

Florida, USA

Jennifer Touma - Mental Game Coach for Business Professionals
Level I IMGCA Certified Mental Game Instructor

New Hampshire, USA

Philip Wright - Performance Enhancement Coach


Instructions for IMGCA Members

Basic Coach Finder Listing

A basic listing including name and email address is available to any IMGCA member who wishes to be included in the Coach Finder list.

Premium Coach Finder Package

Help people who want to hire you as a mental game coach find you faster and more easily. Showcase your abilities and talents as a coach by adding your bio, web site and full contact information, with a premium listing.

Invest in the premium IMGCA Coach Finders package. Here's what you get:

  1. Your name
  2. Your picture
  3. Your email address with a hot link
  4. Your web site address with a hot link
  5. Your full address
  6. Your telephone number
  7. Your biography (maximum 200 words)

Invest in these seven valuable benefits for $50/year.

On request, we will also include your fax number. However, many people prefer to omit the fax number for privacy reasons.

We use a method of encoding email addresses to prevent them from being harvested by robots that search web pages to collect email addresses.

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Procoach Systems International Association of Coaches Independent Book Publishers Association IMGCA

The International Mental Game Coaching Association
Phone: 408-705-8877

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