The International Mental Game Coaching Association welcomes
individuals and organizations to apply for membership. IMGCA
membership is open to anyone, in any country. There are many
advantages and privileges of membership in the IMGCA. A major
focus of IMGCA membership is to support the study and advancement
of mental game coaching worldwide. You will find details here
about the five categories of IMGCA membership, the 21 IMGCA
member benefits, future IMGCA benefits and a link to the IMGCA
membership application, which can be filled out online.
We look forward to hearing from you about joining the International
Mental Game Coaching Association.
If you're already a member, you can renew your annual membership
on our membership renewal
The Five IMGCA Membership
- Professional / Volunteer - Teachers, coaches, consultants,
counselors, trainers, researchers, writers, officials, health
care providers, mind-body practitioners, movement specialists
or dance instructors, who volunteer, or work part or full
time with an interest in the mental game.

- Student - Any part or full time grade school,
junior high school, high school, undergraduate student,
graduate student or other student, who has an interest in
the mental game.

- Parent - Anyone who has a child in sports or any
parent who coaches, officiates, administers or supports

- Institutional - International, national, regional,
state or local schools, organizations and associations that
have an interest in the mental game.
- Affiliate - Vendors and businesses working in the
sports arena.
Annual IMGCA Membership Fees
IMGCA membership is for a 12-month period, effective when
we receive your payment.
- Professional / Volunteer $40 USD annually
- Student $10 USD annually
- Parent $20 USD annually
- Institutional $100 USD annually
- Affiliate $60 USD annually
Group Discounts
Groups of five or more individuals that join can receive
special rates on dues, along with other benefits from IMGCA.
All memberships will still retain their individual membership
status but they are transferable within the organization.
For more information on registering your group, contact
Discount Memberships
IMGCA also offers other associations substantial membership
discounts to their members when they sign up for IMGCA membership.
For more information on registering your members, contact
21 IMGCA Member Benefits
- Use Of IMGCA Logos. License to use proprietary
and copyrighted IMGCA logos on your web site and letterhead
designating you as an IMGCA member in good standing. High-quality
images of the IMGCA Member logo illustrated at left below
(without the Copyright IMGCA watermark) are available to
members in various sizes, and the special Professional Member
logo illustrated at right below is available to professional
IMGCA members.
Logo |
Member Logo |

- In-Depth Articles for Members Only. In addition
to the extensive collection of articles on the publicly
available website, members have access to an additional
set of in-depth articles written by mental game experts.

- Video Library for Members Only. We have compiled
links to over 75 videos that teach, describe and embrace
the mental approach to learning, practicing and performing,
in over twenty-five categories, in sports, business and
life. Learn more
about this video library and see some sample videos.

- Listing in the IMGCA Coach Finder. On an opt-in
basis, IMGCA members can be listed on our web page of IMGCA
members, used by associations, clubs, individuals and others
to find local mental game coaches to hire.

- IMGCA Speakers Bureau. On an opt-in basis, IMGCA
members who are speakers can be listed in our Speakers Bureau
at a basic level or premium level. Learn more
about this benefit.

- Leadership Opportunities. IMGCA members will have
the opportunity to serve on committees and an International
Advisory Board. IMGCA members may, under IMGCA direction,
form and lead a national, regional, state or local chapter

- Honors, Awards and Recognition. The IMGCA administers
an awards and recognition program designed to showcase and
appreciate achievement and excellence in mental game research,
writing, teaching, coaching, ethics and consulting. Some
of these awards and recognition are available only to IMGCA

- Access To The IMGCA Directory. On an opt-in basis,
IMGCA members can add their name to this list so other IMGCA
members can contact them.

- Subscription to the IMGCA Mental Game Journal,
containing articles, research, strategies and tips on maximizing
the potential of the mental game.

- Opportunity To Become Involved In Member Research
Projects. IMGCA members who are conducting research
can promote this research to the IMGCA community, and call
for assistance in completing these projects.

- Opportunity To Receive Email Information Of Interest
To Mental Game Coaching. On an opt-in basis, IMGCA members
can add their name to this list so outside vendors approved
by the IMGCA can contact them.

- Membership Recognition. Handsome, ready-for-framing
membership certificate with your name. Click on the small
sample certificates below to see larger versions in a new
window. (Please close that window when finished.)
Certificate |
Membership Certificate |

- Opportunity To Be Showcased On The IMGCA Web Site
As An "IMGCA Member Of Distinction". Periodically, IMGCA
members who have distinguished themselves through their
achievements can be profiled with their picture, bio and
- Opportunity To Be Showcased On The IMGCA Web Site As
An "IMGCA Member In The News".

- Opportunity To Contribute To The IMGCA News Section
In The Web Site. Each month, IMGCA members who have
pertinent news to report can appear in the IMGCA news section
of the web site.

- Opportunity To Be Profiled By The Media. When
the media contacts IMGCA looking for appropriate mental
game professionals to provide background information, quotes
or actual interviews, IMGCA members will have the opportunity
to be selected.

- Opportunity To Advertise In IMGCA Materials. IMGCA
members who wish to advertise their business, products or
services in IMGCA materials and on the IMGCA web site will
be considered, and provided a 25% discount off prevailing
advertising rates.

- Discounted Meeting Fees. IMGCA members will receive
a 25% discount off all IMGCA meeting fees.

- Discounts With William B. Cole Consultants. IMGCA
members will receive a 15% discount on all products and
services from William B. Cole Consultants, at www.mentalgamecoach.com.

- IMGCA Store Discounts. IMGCA members will receive
a 15% discount on all products and services (Certification
discounts are separate) from the IMGCA store.

- Publishing Showcase. Priority opportunity to publish
articles in the International Mental Game Coaching Journal,
and the public and private article areas of the IMGCA web
To join the IMGCA, please fill out and submit our Membership
Application. To renew your membership, go to our Membership
Renewal page.