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IMGCA Articles

IMGCA article usage guidelines

Call for IMGCA writers and editors

Article Submission Guidelines

The International Mental Game Coaching Association

The IMGCA presents the world's largest collection of mental game articles from experts around the world. We have over 600 articles containing leading-edge strategies on the mental game, mental training, peak performance, sports psychology, sports psychiatry, sports philosophy, sports sociology, sports medicine, human performance, exercise psychology, stress control, youth sports, motor learning, sports coaching, teaching, teamwork, sports ethics, mind-body disciplines and human movement. To view the articles in a category, click on the link in the following list.

We welcome the submission of articles related to the Mental Game, for addition to this website. See below for details for submitting your articles or assisting with editing. We are now reviewing additional articles on these topics and a variety of additional topics, and will be posting the accepted articles on this page when the review process is completed. Additional in-depth articles appear in the Members Only section of the IMGCA website.

   The Mental Game of Archery

   The Mental Game of Auto Racing

   The Mental Game of Billiards

   The Mental Game of Boxing

   Sports And Spirituality

Article Usage Guidelines

1. Links to Articles. Your website or email message may include links to any of the articles in this section without obtaining permission. However, we do not allow links to our articles in spam or unsolicited email or from websites that contain hate, racist, warez, porn, or any other illegal material.

2. Reprinting Articles. The articles on the non-member section of the IMGCA website may be re-published. The following restrictions apply to re-published articles:

a. You must not remove the "Article Source" line from the article.

b. You must respect the copyright of each author whose articles you wish to publish. You must include the author copyright notice and the article bio/resource section and any links provided by the author.

c. You must not change, edit, or reword any part of any article not written by you.

d. You must agree to keep hyperlinks "live" so that users can click on these links and be taken to their destinations.

e. You agree never to use any articles obtained from in any form of spam or unsolicited mail.

f. You agree not to publish any articles on sites that contain hate, racist, warez, porn, or any other illegal material.

g. You agree never to sell any article obtained from our directory without written consent from IMGCA and the author of the article. This includes selling articles individually, in a compilation, or bundled in a product, as a special report, e-report, e-book, CD, web download, or as part of any electronic, audio or hard-copy product. We accept inquiries about selling you reprint rights where you might want to sell this information in some form. Please contact us in advance for express written permission and terms for resale.

For reprint rights to Members-Only articles, please contact the IMGCA.

Call For IMGCA Writers and Editors

The IMGCA is calling for writers who would like to publish articles in this section of the International Mental Game Coaching Association web site and/or in the private member area, and for editors to assist in the production of the articles. To learn more, see Article Submission Guidelines.

See our Submission Guidelines page for a list of article topics.

Procoach Systems International Association of Coaches Independent Book Publishers Association IMGCA

The International Mental Game Coaching Association
Phone: 408-705-8877

Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 10am-6pm PST. Closed weekends and holidays.
Private backrooms in the IMGCA membership and certification areas are open 24-7, 365 days a year.

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