Here and Now
Robert Rickover
In his final novel, Island, Aldous Huxley wrote
about the adventures of a shipwrecked Englishman on Pala,
an imaginary island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. The society
on this island had evolved to the point where there was universal
economic and social well-being and a high level of respect
for individual rights and freedoms. Moreover, individuals
were given every opportunity to develop emotionally and spiritually.
One of the many unusual features of Pala are specially trained
birds - mynah birds - whose sole function is to loudly screech
out "Here and now! Here and now!" at random intervals.
Huxley had studied many systems of personal development during
his life, including the Alexander Technique. He met F. Matthias
Alexander, the developer of the Technique in London in the
mid-1930's. He was already an established author, best known
for his 1930 novel, Brave New World. But his
poor physical state threatened to end his writing career.
Huxley was very tall and awkward and subject to fatigue, insomnia
and a weak stomach. He was deathly afraid to speak in public.
By the time he met Alexander, he was virtually bed-ridden,
reduced to writing lying down with his typewriter resting
on his chest.
The lessons he had from Alexander enabled him to resume his
normal activities and live in good health for another quarter
century. He was so impressed with Alexander's work that he
referred to it several times in his later writings and even
made Alexander a character in one of his novels.
After having lessons with Alexander, Huxley wrote: "The Alexander
Technique gives us all things we have been looking for in
a system of physical education: relief from strain due to
maladjustment, and constant improvement in physical and mental
health. We cannot ask for more from any system; nor, if we
seriously desire to alter human beings in a desirable direction,
can we ask any less."
I believe the mynah birds of Island were inspired by his work
with the Alexander Technique. Alexander teachers help people
recognize and change harmful tension habits. This requires
being present - not mentally wandering off into the past or
the future. For an Alexander Teacher, helping students be
consciously aware of themselves in the moment is a crucially
important first step in their learning process.
And not always an easy one. We are bombarded with external
tasks and distractions that draw our attention away from our
own mental and physical state. More often than not, our work
requires an outward focusing of attention on specific tasks,
projects and co-workers. Our leisure time, too, is frequently
spent on activities like driving, shopping, and watching TV
- all of which tend to pull our attention away from ourselves.
As Nicholas Brockbank, a British Alexander Technique teacher,
puts it: "Most peoples' attention most of the time is anywhere
but on what they're doing. Or if it is on what they're doing,
they tend to overdo it. In an average day, filled with average
tasks, there is only a small portion that requires the mind
to be fully engaged; the rest of the time we are free to think
about the past or the future - anything but the present! When
we are "present", it's usually in an obsessive, almost trance
like way."
On Pala, the mynah birds are whimsical devices to help bring
people back to the present moment - which is really the only
place we can make constructive changes in our lives.
Many spiritual teachers have stressed the importance of self-awareness
- Ram Dass even titled one of his books Be Here Now! The Alexander
Technique is a very powerful and practical method to learn
to be present in yourself, even while engaged in your daily
activities. Indeed, the primary focus of the Technique is
the way one carries out the ordinary activities of life.
In a sense, Alexander Technique teaching supplies you with
your own personal "mynah bird", bringing you gently back in
touch with yourself.
Freedom to Change - The Development and Science of the
Alexander Technique by Frank Pierce Jones contains
information about Alexander's connection with Aldous Huxley.
You can order it at the Alexander Technique Bookstore (listed
under Introductory Books) at http://www.alexandertechnique.com/books
Robert Rickover is an Alexander Technique teacher
living in Lincoln, Nebraska. He also teaches regularly in
Toronto, Canada. He is the author of Fitness Without
Stress - A Guide to the Alexander Technique and is
the creator of The Complete Guide to the Alexander Technique
website at http://www.alexandertechnique.com
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