Is Your Critical Bench Really Mind over Matter?
Geoff Morris
On your daily visit to the gym, what would you say was the
singularly strongest thing in you -- your mind or your body?
Of course many of you would say straight away that your body
But then when it comes to increasing or improving your bench
work, what is it that controls your overall results? It doesn't
matter whether you are starting at the 200 level- 250 -- 280
- 300 or more -- if your mind is not in it; those extra two
plates are never going to be lifted. Why? Because unless your
mind says you can do it, then believe me my friend -- you
So you still don't believe that the mind is more powerful?
Take the example of a particular young lady. Let's call her
Sally for now. Slim, lightweight, size 6, just goes down the
gym two or three times a week, not to build fantastic bulging
biceps, but to just keep an overall level of fitness that
keeps her looking trim and the envy of many of the other ladies
down there.
You would be darned surprised if she calmly lay on the bench,
and pushed 250 pounds! I bet she would too, as in her mind,
to lift more than 80 pounds might make a bead of sweat trickle
down her pretty and delicate forearm!
So then, the very next day, this same young lady manages to
lift her boyfriend's car off the floor, where it had slipped
while he changed a tyre -- threatening to suffocate him! For
4 minutes Sally, this little nothing of a girl, holds the
whole side of the car up in the air, while she screams for
Did her mind say this was impossible? No -- it told her that
it had to be done, so she did it!
Where now is your reservation? Is it in your muscles or is
it in what you can envisage in your mind what you can achieve?
OK, you do have to plan sensible steps towards your goal,
but as long as you are following a proven path then you will
achieve your objectives.
Now, if you have a receptive mind, there's an amazing workout
routine called "The Critical Bench Program - Increase Your
Bench Press 50 Pounds in 10 Weeks." If you put your mind to
it, then whatever your mind's targets may be, there is a high
probability that the results you crave will follow. This program
can be summarized in 15 main points, that if followed sensibly
and in conjunction with your most powerful organ -- your mind
-- you will achieve success.
These points can be summarized as follows:
- How to train smart so that you avoid over training.
- Why stretching and warming up is so important if you
want to bench big weight
- The secret to training for strength is low reps.
- How to mix things up and add variation to your training.
- Why you shouldn't pre-exhaust your muscles when trying
to increase your bench press
- How successful clients get in the right mindset for a
big day at the gym.
- Why technique is so important.
- Exactly how long you should be resting between sets when
you are training for power and strength.
- Why you can't believe supplement ads.
- Why your lifestyle habits will affect your training.
- Why it's so critical to have an exact goal and to track
your progress.
- How a lifting buddy can assist you perform classic training
methods like forced reps
- Learn how to use proper "assistance exercises" to propel
your bench press strength through the roof.
- Why spending more than an hour in the gym per day is
Nothing particularly difficult in this list of tips and
objectives, but with the full cooperation of your mind, you
will achieve those results for which you crave. Is your mind
ready for this success, if so, why not see what other people
in similar situations (no, not Sally and the car -- I am talking
about bench successes) are saying about http://www.criticalbench.com/benchpressgains.htm
You never know, you may want to buy the book…
Copyright © 2006 Geoff Morris
Geoff Morris has been involved in keeping fit for
several years, and has now turned his attention in more detail
to personal fitness by taking over the site made famous by
Ryan Joyce. This site cuts through a lot of the confusion
surrounding natural bodybuilders and fitness models. www.adtrackz.net/hdsl/go.php?c=wlr1&s=wl6
Article Source: http://articlekarma.com
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