Five Keys For Sustaining Motivation To Exercise
Pepper Montero
It would appear that many an eager beginning exerciser looses
interest and stops an exercise plan within a month. In order
to keep this phenomenon from happening to you, follow these
five steps. If you have been exercising for some time and
find yourself bored and dreading your next work out, consider
a change of environment.
If you have been exercising in your basement, you may benefit
tremendously from joining a gym where you can interact with
other people and use different equipment.
Don't worry about not using your home equipment. It may be
that once you have exercised at a gym for awhile, you'll be
ready for another change and want to resume exercising at
If you are currently using a gym and find yourself not wanting
to go in, it may be time to look at exercising at home. There
is something to be said for finding the quiet and solitude
exercising can bring when you're not in the middle of a crowded,
noisy gym.
A second key for increasing motivation to exercise is in finding
a way to listen to music that motivates you. For me personally,
I use hip-hop, R & B, and rap. If you saw me in my SUV with
kids in tow, you may not believe me. Just ask my husband;
he's the one who programs all my music into the MP-3 player
he got me for Valentine's Day off of eBay.
A third important key is to take a look at the clothing you
wear when you exercise. Have you run more than 200 miles in
a pair of shoes? If so, it's definitely time for a new pair.
Also, make sure that what you wear to exercise is comfortable
and non-restrictive.
In addition to the function of work-out clothing, appearance
is important. If you have a great new pair of work-out pants,
you may be more motivated to get up in the morning and go
to the gym. If you're wearing the same T-shirt you've worn
for twenty years, it may be time for a little shopping trip.
The shopping trip doesn't have to be expensive. A friend of
mine buys her work-out gear at Goodwill. She always looks
A fourth key is to keep focusing on the goals you have set
for yourself. If you've reached your goals, it's time to set
some new ones. Be sure to keep your goals realistic and measurable
to prevent discouragement. A fifth and final key to maintain
or increase motivation to exercise is charting progress. Once
you have an attainable goal, how will you know when you have
moved one step closer? If you chart your progress, you will
clearly see where you are and where you hope to go.
There are as many ways to work out as there are people who
work out. Everyone's routine is different and tailored to
them. However, if you remember to incorporate these five keys
into your work out, you will experience success and be motivated
to continue your program.
Pepper Montero is an avid exerciser. She loves to
stay in shape and tell others about her adventures. This article
may be reprinted freely as long as all links remain active.
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