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IMGCA Article - The Mental Game of Golf


Grooving Your Ideal Swing:
The Mental Secret Inducing Swing Motion Excellence!

Pete Siegel

Consider the medieval woodsman. His job was to fell trees, then cut the fallen timbers into logs usably sized for ceremonial, heating, and cooking fires.

Many depended on the woodsman; their exploits kept their town or village supported with fuel. As such, their most important tool was their axe. And keeping their axe razor sharp was essential to their consistent, high productivity performance.

They would take their axe to the grindstone regularly, sharpening from side to side, until they knew they'd gotten what they needed for maximum results.

Then, they'd do their daily felling and chopping ... and begin their next day again with prudent sharpening efforts.

A "dull axe" would never get the job done; only a highly sharpened blade would accomplish their purpose. And so, they would take their axe to the grindstone regularly to ensure they'd grooved the capability which would afford them the most pronounced - and profound - performance efforts and results.

Sharpening Your "Axe"

The medieval woodsman regularly kept taking his axe to the grindstone so he could groove the sharpest blade possible. This wasn't a one-time shot, but a continual practice, a daily ritual, so he'd bring forth the potential enabling him to produce his desired results.

Blade sharpening was an accepted, purposefully engaged part of his life. He neither feigned away from, nor bemoaned it; his involvement was thorough and substantive because his daily success at the grindstone was integrally linked to his degree of success in the woods.

Now, you surely aren't a medieval woodsman. But you surely must take your "axe(s)" to the grindstone (i.e., driving/putting range practice, practice rounds, etc.), and then stay at the grindstone until you feel you've sharpened your skills - notably your swing motion - so it's at a level enabling you to perform effectively on the course.

Grooving your ideal swing draws a similar parallel to the woodsman's daily grindstone efforts. Your swing motion must be regularly "sharpened" (i.e., practice physically and mentally) so you'll be in the best possible position to fell your "tree" (i.e., play continually well, lower your score, register birdies, pars, etc.).

And, like the woodsman's routine, your practice efforts must be generated toward enhancing success during rounds; you must apply your "sharpened axes" during a round. Then, proceed to engage "sharpening" them again, before your next round. Then again, and again, and again. Indeed, "sharpening" your "axe" (practicing strengthening and further cultivating your swing) is an essential, intimately connected aspect to your overall course success!

And this process is a lifestyle, and playing style decision; if you're a true "woodsman" this is something you just do - with eagerness, purpose, and committed focus. Why? Because you know you surely can't produce the results you want, and need to, if you don't.

And so, assuming you are a true "woodsman," let me now give you an Ideal Swing Grooving mental development strategy to complement your physical swing cultivation practice efforts.

Honing your "axe" (or, "grooving your sharpest blade") as a golfer is most effectively, and decisively accomplished by engaging a mind/body approach. Physically, you do your range work, lessons, and practice rounds diligently, and with the express purpose to improve. Mentally, you strive to precision hone the target subconscious attitudes, emotional fuel, and swing motion generation affinity which serves to direct and enhance your physical execution.

Indeed, honing your swing (with drives, irons, and your putter) this way, addresses the comprehensive crux of true learning - that of subconsciously structuring the sensory framework which leads to desired physical action. Then, practicing the physical action in a manner that strengthens efficiency, reinforces proficiency, and further "cements in" a success inclined subconscious sensory framework.

And, knowing that you will, and likely already are engaging diligent, purposeful physical practice efforts, let me now outline for you a simple, yet high powered mental component strategy to help you groove your ideal swing.

Grooving Your Ideal Swing:

The Mental Component To Honing Precision Swing Efficiency

First, developing and generating your ideal swing is a process; regular attention to detail, and continual mental/physical practice is required to produce, then sustain, maximum results.

And so here's a profoundly targeted exercise you can regularly do to help accelerate and more fully develop your ideal swing. Read it through first in its entirety, then apply it exactly as outlined.

[*First, decide upon which swing motion you want to work on (i.e., your driver? irons? chipping? longer range putts? etc.). Decide upon one specific swing motion, and then wholly focus your mental efforts upon that. Once you've determined which swing motion you'll address, then proceed to engage the following Factor 1.] 1.) Relaxing Your Mind And Body To Accelerate Your Inner Focus Capacity.

First, in an area where you won't be disturbed, lie comfortably upon your back on either the floor, your couch, your bed, or stretched out comfortably in a reclining chair. Let your arms rest at your sides, arms facing downward, fingers loosely apart.

Next, let your eyelids close down, and take 3 l-o-n-g, d-e-e-p breaths - inhaling through your nostrils (letting your stomach expand and distend as you do), and then easily exhaling through your mouth. And, with each easy breath that you exhale, mentally/silently repeat the word "R-e-l-e-a-s-e," allowing every muscle and fiber within you to just easily let loose, and wholly relax. 2.) Subconsciously Grooving Your Ideal Swing With 5 Sensory Impact Factors

Now, we get to the "meat and potatoes" - the "axe sharpening grindstone!" You'll be creatively using your imagination here to accentuate precision swing motions.

And so, having pre-determined which swing for which club you'll be working on (and having deeply relaxed your mind and body): In your imagination envision you're on your course ready to play this shot. Don't just "watch" this (as if on a movie screen or monitor), but perceptually step into the picture; feel your feet upon the ground, feel the club held firmly in your hands, smell the grass, hear the sounds - wholly be there, in the moment.

A.) And next, before you set up to your ball, ask yourself "If I would generate my ideal swing motion here, what would this be?" And, as you address your ball, notice what your specific attitude and presumption is as you're getting ready to execute your ideal swing motion. For example: "Loosely, comfortably, and confidently, I crisply flow through my backswing, downswing, contact and follow through. I have a lot more skill than I realize; more than I give myself credit for - I just smoothly, decisively execute masterfully now."

Then, just let this attitude and presumption completely fill you, imaginatively set up to your ball, determine your outcome point...and, letting this attitude and presumption exclusively direct you now, go ahead and execute your ideal swing.

Then, sensing you've generated thorough swing motion proficiency, inhale deeply, exhale slowly, and:

B.) Imagine you're about to set up to that same shot again, and ask yourself: "If I would generate my ideal swing motion here, what would this be?" And this time, as you imaginatively address your ball, notice what your specific feeling is as you're getting ready to execute your ideal swing motion. For example: confidence? determined? relaxed/loose/fluid? comfortably composed? emotionally centered? etc.

Then, just let this feeling completely fill you, imaginatively set up to your ball, determine your outcome point... and, letting this singular feeling wholly fill and direct you, go ahead and execute your ideal swing.

Then, sensing you've generated thorough swing motion proficiency, inhale deeply, exhale slowly, and:

C.) Imagine you're about to set up to the same shot again, and ask yourself "If I would generate my ideal swing motion here, what would this be?"

And now as you imaginatively address the ball, allow yourself to deeply sense automatic, coordinated muscular flow surging through you - a rich and empowering feeling of muscular unity, strength, and fluidity within. (Take your time here; just focus on this sensation, and you will come to vibrantly sense it.)

Then, just allow this sensation to completely fill you, imaginatively set up to your ball, determine your outcome point...and, letting this sensation of automatic co-ordinated muscular flow wholly fill and direct you, execute your ideal swing.

Then, sensing you've generated thorough swing motion proficiency, inhale deeply, exhale slowly, and:

D.) Imagine you are about to set up to the same shot, and again ask yourself: "If I would generate my ideal swing motion here, what would this be?"

And now, as you're imaginatively addressing the ball, let yourself deeply sense a natural pre-disposition toward instinctive, precise, right swing motion, contact and follow through - a nourishing feeling of sensing - and knowing - you can only generate excellence - and succeed. (Watch how quickly this sensation unfolds, and freely flows through you as you begin to focus upon, and believe in it!)

Then, just allow this sensation to completely fill you, imaginatively set up to your ball, determine your outcome point...and, letting this sensation of natural pre- disposition toward instinctive, precise, right swing motion, contact and follow through to wholly fill and direct you, go ahead and execute your ideal swing.

Then, sensing you've generated thorough swing motion proficiency, inhale deeply, exhale slowly, and:

E.) Imagine you're standing in front of a full length mirror. Clearly envision yourself the embodiment of what you now know is the target attitude/presumption, feeling, automatic coordinated muscular flow, and pre-disposition toward instinctive, precise, right swing motion, contact and follow through - all connected to you generating your ideal swing.

Just let this impression easily, comfortably form. And, when it does, say to yourself: "What I've just structured in my mind, continually unfolds as my real life performance on the range, and during my actual rounds. I wasn't just 'daydreaming,' I was creating and cultivating my actual potential; this ability and swing motion capacity is becoming a more decisive, and pronounced, fact of my life!"

Then, for the next few moments, continue to experience yourself the collective embodiment of these ideal swing motion sensory elements - savoring the good and commanding feelings of positive expectancy and self -belief easily, completely flowing through you.

And then, inhale deeply, let your eyelids easily open, and s-t-r-e-t-c-h.

Related Instructions And Suggestions

The whole process should take 10-14 minutes to perform. Don't rush; take your time, and follow the outlined instructions. The more you perform this process, the more effective you will be with it, and the more powerful its impact will become for you.

Remember, before each session, decide upon the specific swing motion you want to work on. I suggest you keep working on the same swing motion physically, and mentally as outlined, until you notice decided improvement. Then, move on to mentally/physically working on the next stroke you want/need to improve. (i.e., Resist the temptation and impulse to jump around; stay focused on improving one swing motion at a time - move on to address another only after you've seen decided improvement.)

Stay regular with your mental practice here. You try to be regular going to the range, and playing in your rounds, don't you? Well, take 10-14 minutes each day to also practice your mental ideal swing motion training. (Remember: the more you practice, the more profound your neuro-muscular success link develops!)

You can also use this process before you begin your actual range work, and before your actual round as a mental/emotional success primer. Find an area where you won't be distracted, and easily proceed through steps A-D. Then, begin your practice efforts, or round play. (You're sure to feel an enriching and settling sense of confidence in the swing you're striving to improve through implementing this pre-range/pre-round mental practice strategy.)

Now, It's Up To YOU!

A great golf swing is a byproduct of prudent physical practice, and targeted subconscious priming. You're going to practice physically anyway. And when you include mental training, your improvement accelerates, and you become more astute, more decisively. Remember, learning occurs when your mind first grasps a concept, then develops and sequences the elements involved in understanding and/or task execution efficiency.

The physical impacts the mental. And, the mental impacts the physical. And when you address both simultaneously, potential becomes fact ... and the fact continues to improve!

Author, clinician, and national TV therapist, Pete Siegel is America's foremost sports hypnotherapist. Golf Digest named him to their "Top 25 Mental Game Practitioners List" Go ahead now, and review his highly acclaimed "Super Mental Toughness For Golf", And "Bringing Forth The Zone" mental game success programs at

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