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IMGCA Article - Hypnosis and Self-Hypnosis


Self Hypnosis Is A Great Tool
For Accomplishing Your Goals

Terje Ellingsen

Self hypnosis is a great tool for goal setting and for getting help in carrying out and fulfilling your goals, whatever they may be. This type of hypnosis can easily be learned if you really want to use this excellent method as an aid for reaching your goals. Below is a short generic view of the self hypnotic process. Though lots of variations of this method have been used, these are the basic steps you have to go through in order to hypnotize yourself to accomplish whatever you want.

1 - Rank your goals from the most important goal to the less important. If possible, your goals should be measurable. Start with your most important goal. As soon as you can measure progress for this goal (like pounds lost, if your goal is weight loss, days of no smoking, if your goal is to stop smoking etc.) continuing with your second most important goal, etc.

2 - For each goal, you should formulate appropriate suggestions which means you have to transform your goals into specific instructions to your subconscious mind on how to achieve each goal.

3 - Relaxation - use the first minutes of your self hypnotic session to get as relaxed as possible.

4 - Start your hypnotic induction phase by saying and repeating outloud the hypnotic words you have chosen, thinking of these words or listening to a hypnotic tape or CD customized for your hypnotic and goal fulfillment needs. An example of an induction can be:

"I am totally relaxed. I close my eyes and now I'm starting to drift downward. I can feel a warmth that is spreading from my feet and up my body. Every single part of my body is warm and totally relaxed."

5 - Apply the hypnotic suggestions you've made for reaching the specific goal you work with, say them outloud, think them or use a tailored hypnotic tape or CD.

Before you start up your self hypnotic exercises you should make a time schedule for it. Do your hypnotic sessions every day, 5 minutes a day might be enough. Repeat your suggestions as often as possible during the day.

You must also measure your progress; am I closer to the goal now than I was last week? You should ask. This is the only way you can find out if this method really will help you in achieving your goals.

Terje Brooks Ellingsen is a writer and Sociologist who runs He writes about self improvement issues like Self growth, see and building good relationships, see

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