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IMGCA Article - Hypnosis and Self-Hypnosis


How to Increase the Working Power of Hypnosis

Steve G. Jones

Any hypnotherapist who is professionally trained and accredited will inform a new patient that not everyone responds to hypnosis' power of suggestion. The truth is that some people are much more able to benefit from hypnosis than others. Some are more resistant to the idea of being completely relaxed and cannot seem to allow messages to penetrate their subconscious. Others, actually the majority of people, are open to the thought changing process of hypnosis and can benefit from its healing abilities.

In order to increase the likelihood that hypnosis will work for you, there are steps you can take to prepare yourself. It helps if you also understand that in order to be hypnotized you must be a willing participant. No one can be placed under the effects of hypnosis without wanting to be. Take these steps to increase your willingness and the effectiveness of hypnosis.

1. Make the decision. You need to decide consciously that you will give hypnosis a try. If for example, you have tried to lose weight through fad dieting or even more proven methods, but still haven't succeeded, then you need to accept the idea that millions of people have been able to lose weight using hypnosis, and that means you can too. Having a positive attitude and open mind will also allow you to relax effectively so hypnosis can work.

2. Find a therapist you trust. Hypnosis requires a completely relaxed mental and physical state to work. You need to do some research into the credentials of the hypnotherapist in whom you are placing your trust. You can ask for references and call those clients to be sure they had a positive experience. If you are using self-hypnosis, be sure the person creating the programs is qualified to do so.

3. Continue the process on your own. Hypnotherapy sessions in an office generally run from 30-60 minutes. You can follow up on the therapy through self-hypnosis programs that compliment your objectives. These are meant to be played each night before you go to sleep.

4. Use refresher sessions. Hypnosis can work almost immediately, as in the case of quitting a smoking habit. You may find that with hypnosis you can quit "cold turkey." However, it is not uncommon to face temptations to light up again, even if you have gone months without a craving. If this happens, revisit your hypnotherapist or restart a self-hypnosis program at home where you replay the therapeutic CD for another week.

5. Keep an open mind. Again, hypnosis is only effective if you are a willing participant. It has the power to break bad habits, motivate you for change, and build confidence. It can even heal illness, boost the immune system and give you the power to succeed.

Hypnosis is most effective when you are frequent, consistent, and confident it can work for you. Make hypnosis a habit by using self-hypnosis programs for at least 21 consecutive nights. Through this process you will develop the skills to relax and allow the message of the hypnotic script to work at modifying behaviors and achieving goals.

Copyright 2006 Steve G. Jones

Steve G. Jones is a board certified Clinical Hypnotherapist who works extensively with Hollywood actors, writers, directors, and producers, helping them achieve their very best. Learn more about his products by visiting:

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