Journey Into The Mind
Tony Robinson
Although there has always been and will probably always be
some level of controversy over hypnosis, the bottom line is
that when performed properly, it works. Hypnosis can have
a powerful impact on a person's lives in a number of areas
from smoking to weight gain to shyness, and everything in
between. Hypnosis is somewhat like a journey into the mind,
teaching the subconscious mind how to accept and maintain
A reputable hypnotist or hypnotherapist can demonstrate the
power of the imagination possible. A good professional will
show you all the possibilities that hypnosis offers, while
providing you with tools that can be performed at home to
maintain your newfound freedom. This individual will teach
you how to be inspired, how to create wellness, and how to
achieve true happiness and joy in life. The truth about hypnosis
is that it is nothing more than an altered state of consciousness.
For instance, have you ever been in a meeting at work where
someone is talking but your mind is at the lake, waterskiing
or on the golf course? If so, then you have experienced the
very substance of hypnosis. This focused attention of trancelike
state is what hypnosis does, it opens the doors of the subconscious
mind, helping it accept change. When provided by a certified
hypnotherapist or someone trained and qualified to perform
hypnosis, the possibilities are endless.
Even in the medical field, we see a growing number of doctors
that are now becoming certified in hypnosis to support medical
assistance. As an example, if there were a young boy with
asthma, in addition to proper medications, hypnosis could
be used to reach the subconscious mind, teaching it to avoid
triggers for an asthma attack. This might include reducing
the times when the child becomes overly stressed, bringing
on an attack. The journey into the mind is a very powerful
thing, which is why it is so important to work with someone
that is specially trained.
This state of consciousness associated with hypnosis is generally,
artificially induced. You would notice that you are far more
focused, you respond to suggestion much better, and you are
open, less critical of believing that hypnosis works. Remember,
while the hypnotherapist or hypnotist can offer positive suggestions
to the subconscious mind, you need to be in a place mentally
to accept and believe that these suggestions will make a difference
in your life. If you are not in that mindset, chances are
the hypnosis will not work or not work to its fullest potential.
Although question remains as to how hypnosis really works,
we do not that it appears to somehow affect the way in which
the brain communicates with the body through nerve impulses,
chemicals such as neuropeptides, and hormones. Experts in
the field believe that hypnosis creates a state of deep relaxation,
which in turn helps to quiet the mind. When you are under
hypnosis, you would have the ability to concentrate more intensely
on something specific, such as a feeling, memory, or sensation.
However, when under hypnosis, you are not away of distractions,
making you more open than usual to the suggestions being offered.
The result is your improved mental and physical health.
The goal of using hypnosis as a therapeutic technique is to
help the individual understand and gain more control over
emotions, behavior, and physical well-being. Now, in addition
to working with a licensed hypnotherapist or qualified hypnotists,
you have yet another option in the form of self-hypnosis.
The benefit is that you can conduct a hypnosis session when
you want or need but the most important thing to remember
is that you have to learn to do it the right way. When using
self-hypnosis, you can actually use negative suggestions to
the subconscious mind, making the initial problem worse.
To accomplish this and hone your skill, you will need to practice.
Keep in mind that practice is an on-going process, not something
you do a few times. As you practice with the self-hypnosis,
you will become better at reaching the subconscious mind and
overcoming your problem. To use self-hypnosis, you need a
quiet place without distractions from the kids, the spouse,
the dog, the phone, and so on. Then, in completely silence,
you can go through the various suggestions, working them time
after time until you finally begin to see results. Be patient
during this process and realize that self-hypnosis, along
with being hypnotized by a professional, could take time!
Tony Robinson is a firm believer in hypnosis. He is
also a Webmaster and International Author. Visit http://www.betterhypnosissite.com/
for his tips on hypnosis.
Article Source: www.goarticles.com
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