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IMGCA Article - Hypnosis and Self-Hypnosis


Psychodynamic Theory of Hypnosis

Tony Robinson

As you are about to discover, the psychodynamic theory of hypnosis is an interesting one. For starters, the conscious mind is the part used for thinking. However, the conscious mind accounts for just 10% of the brain with the remaining 90% being the subconscious mind. Although the conscious mind is important, the subconscious mind is actually more important and more powerful. In fact, the subconscious mind is generally, what runs the show so to speak.

Interestingly, if the conscious mind were the part of the brain that was in charge, you would not be able to do the things you do in normal life such as reading, writing, thinking, and so on. You would also resist most everything, have no mental blocks, never dream, and your ability to concentrate and remember would be astounding. However, if you look at the average person, this is not an accurate description of how we behave or live.

On the other hand, you have the subconscious mind, which is the part of the brain that makes you do goofy things while also being the part that keeps you from doing things we want to do. For this reason, the subconscious mind is often considered the culprit. Keep in mind that without having a subconscious mind, it would be difficult to understand the concept and origin of dreams or thoughts. With the subconscious mind, whatever behavior, or condition it wants, even if the conscious mind knows better, it gets.

For this reason, when a behavior or pattern needs to be changed, it must be changed at the subconscious level. This could include a long list of things such as overcoming public speaking, conquering shyness, gaining more confidence, stopping smoking, losing weight, no longer biting nails, and so on. The interesting thing about hypnosis is that in addition to the techniques, there is also a philosophy.

This philosophy actually centers on a specific group of beliefs that have to do with people and the relationship with the rest of the world. For instance, people are more than reactive; they are interactive and proactive with the environment. That means proactive possibilities are strong, specifically in areas usually separated from what you would consider normal possibilities. In other words, a large part of your world can be influenced with your mind.

The makeup of people is unique in that we can regulate reality, even manipulate strategically. This knowledge is learned from a young age, such as whining to get your way with your parents. As you grew older, you realized that you could still influence with cues. Therefore, the theory of hypnosis is that by the subconscious mind being given cues, change in a person's behavior and/or patterns can be changed. You could think of these suggestions as subliminal communication that bypasses the conscious mind and goes right to the heart of the mind.

In looking at self-hypnosis associated with appropriate suggestions, this could influence any cues you give off, as well as types of subliminal messages you receive. Therefore, using proper technique coupled with both scientific and philosophical concepts, you can change. The exciting thing about hypnosis is that rather than trying again and again to achieve what you want, by using the subconscious mind, it happens and easily.

Remember, while the subconscious mind is extremely powerful it is not absolute. The bottom line is that the subconscious mind, although much like a database of information, can be changed. Although some changes can occur spontaneously, most do not. Therefore, what we can learn from the psychodynamic theory of hypnosis is that when the subconscious mind is offered suggestions, change can occur. The good news is that the old or bad behaviors you want to change, you can by using hypnosis as a tool.

Tony Robinson is a firm believer in hypnosis. He is also a Webmaster and International Author. Visit for his tips on hypnosis.

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