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IMGCA Article - Hypnosis and Self-Hypnosis


Hypnosis Q&A: Understanding Hypnosis Types

Hank Taylor

What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis, in general, is a psychological situation wherein an individual shows signs of changes in the behavior, thought, or attitude. On the other hand, some people may undergo an increase in suggestibility and subjective feelings of an "altered state of consciousness."

The hypnosis applications varied widely. Some of the people include the use of hypnosis for entertainment and health functions.

Hypnosis is not a type of therapy. Most of the psychologist use hypnosis to conduct psychological related techniques. During the presentation of technique, the subject will learn how to obey the commands and engage in behavior they might not normally choose to perform.

What is post-hypnotic suggestion?

Post-hypnotic suggestions are the feeling carried out after the termination of hypnosis. This feeling is the response of the subject to the specific suggestions of post-hypnotic phenomena. A suggestion is given apparently during hypnosis stage. During this stage stimulus is served while the act becomes a response.

A post-hypnotic suggestion and a conditioned reflex serve a similar purpose except that the former is not established by repetitive trial.

Normally the post-hypnotic suggestion is a compound task for the subject because it can turn into a more hypnotic injunction. It is often called out because of several single sessions of hypnosis.

What is auto-suggestion?

Auto-suggestion more popularly called autogenous training is a process wherein the subject trains the part of subconscious mind. Normally it is being performed because the subject wants to create some particulars inside the mind. Some people want to practice autosuggestion training because they want to schematize their mental level for a given purpose.

Acceptance of auto-suggestions may be quickened through mental visualization of what the individual would like to believe. Autosuggestions can be seen as an aspect of "self-exhorting", meditations or other form of similar activities.

Applications of deliberate autosuggestions intended to change the way a subject believes in terms of physical or psychological aspects.

Is "highway hypnosis" really a kind of hypnosis?

Highway hypnosis is a mental state in which the person can drive an automobile in a great distance, responding to external events in the expected manner. In this state, the consciousness is clearly divided between the driving task and the person's thoughts on several concerns.

Based upon the theory of Ernest Hilgard, the highway hypnosis was developed in a stream of consciousness. According to the theory, highway hypnosis can be a usual experience. The common sense suggests that when driving the full weight of consciousness is brought to mind reception.

What is neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)?

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a compilation of pseudoscientific self-sustain rituals proposed for programming the mind. Richard Bandler and John Grinder introduced NLP in 1973 as a set of models and principles to describe the relationship between mind and language.

NLP is based upon the New Age principles such as the belief in unlimited potential through access to a subconscious part of the mind. Some psychologists describe it as a "therapeutic magic".

The practice of NLP is initially attracted mostly psychologist because of its magical effect. At the present times, it also attracts business and sales people.

How is hypnosis different from meditation or relaxation?

Hypnosis does not have the exact process compared to meditation and relaxation. In the process of meditation or relaxation, the goal is to have a more relaxed and meditative state. This process can affect the body and mind in a better way.

What makes hypnosis different is that getting into the meditative state of mind and later on the hypnotic process will use the state of mind to transmit and deliver the messages throughout your body.

Compared to meditation, state of mind is the main goal of hypnosis and becomes actively responsive to words, thoughts, and ideas.

Hank Taylor is a regular contributor to hypnosis-related books and sites such as Hypnosis Question and Answer. Website:

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