4 Magic Words To Use Daily
Michael Pollock
As a powerfully creative individual, you have two incredible
tools that form the foundation of your creative power. Whether
you're aware of it or not, you're already using one of these
tools to create everything you currently experience in your
life - good and bad alike.
Begin using these two tools together, and you'll harness a
creative force within you to manifest your heart's desire.
Before you can do that, however, you'll need to use the 4
magic words I'll share with you in a moment. First, let's
talk about the powerful tools to which I'm referring.
The tools are attention and intention.
Attention is defined as: "Concentration of the mental powers
upon an object."
You use attention any time you concentrate your thoughts upon
something, whether it's an object or just another thought.
A simple law of the universe says wherever you focus your
attention, you also focus your creative energy. In other words,
what you think about, you create in your experience.
The second tool, intention, is defined as: "An aim that guides
Intention is the aim, the object or the reality you want to
bring into your experience.
Intention is "the object of your desires."
When you focus your *attention* on what you want and make
it your *intention* to create it, you take hold of a creative
force that can literally move mountains.
Alexander Graham Bell spoke of this force when he stated the
"What this power is I cannot say; all I know is that it exists
and it becomes available only when a man is in that state
of mind in which he knows exactly what he wants and is fully
determined not to quit until he finds it."
The 4 magic words that position you to use this creative force
is your own life are...
"What do I want?"
Sounds simple, right? It is. But it's not always easy to know
what you want.
Further, when you do actually decide what you want, you face
the challenge of asking for and receiving it.
Even further, you've faced those times when you actually got
what you wanted, only to discover it wasn't as great as you
You end up just accepting and tolerating whatever life throws
you, whether in the form of your career, your mate, your income,
your living environment, etc.
Then, of course, in our state of "tolerating life," the more
we focus upon what we don't want, the more of it we experience.
In the words of fitness guru Susan Powter...
"Stop the insanity!"
"What do I want?" Begin using these 4 words each day. As Stephen
Covey says, "write it down, asterisk it, underline it." If
you ask it, the answers will come. Keep asking until the answers
do come.
See, you will always get something, even if it's only more
of the same. My good friend and fellow Coach, Bryden Manning
talks about "Christmas morning relationships."
As a child, when you awoke Christmas morning, you knew you'd
have stuff under the tree. But if you didn't make a list of
what you wanted, there's no telling what you'd get.
It works the same with every area of your life. Every day
is Christmas morning. You'll always get something. Have you
made your list yet?
"What do I want?" Just say it out loud with me.
If you have a hard time with this question, consider taking
a class or work with a coach. It's too important a question
to ignore any longer. It's your life, after all.
Start today. Say it..."what do I want?"
To the extent you get clear on the answer to this question,
to that same extent can you focus your attention on it and
make it your intention to create it.
I'll leave you with the simple and direct words of Walt Whitman,
who said "claim your own at any hazard."
It's your life! Make it great.
Michael Pollock is a popular on-line writer and Personal
Coach. He empowers proactive people to create lives that are
inspired, power-full and prosperous. It's your life. Make
it great! Visit http://www.successfulifecoach.com
or subscribe to his weekly newsletter "It's Your Life!" by
sending a blank email to ItsYourLife-subscribe@topica.com
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