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Coaching Book Summary: The Coach

Chris Stowell

Not everyone likes to read a book from cover to cover. Not everyone likes to spend hours searching for books of value. So, for those who like to pick and choose what they read, we have put together an overview of The Coach: Creating Partnerships for a Competitive Edge. This coaching book will provide some insight to what good leadership and coaching should look like.

The Coach:

Chapter One - About this coaching book

This book begins by providing a summary of what leader-employee relationships should look like. Coaching plays a central role in creating and maintaining partner-oriented relationships.

Chapter Two - Memories Never Die

This chapter explores an intriguing story about a manager faced with a challenging coaching opportunity. As the story unfolds, the manager encounters obstacles and then discovers actions that are needed to be a successful coach.

Chapter Three - The Eight Step Coaching Model

This chapter is a summary discussion of behaviors CMOE has discovered from the study and research of effective coaches. The coaching model introduced in this chapter represents a road map for holding a successful coaching meeting.

Chapter Four - The Five Levels of Coaching

Many coaching situations are light, easy and fun. However, others are challenging, serious and painful. All five levels require a different approach and mind set. Read this chapter and learn how to ?tweak? the Coaching Model to give you the best possible outcome for each situation.

Chapter Five - Versatile Coaching

This chapter discusses personalities and individual differences. How do you adjust your coaching approach to accommodate and assimilate the wonderful uniqueness in our personalities? The Myers Briggs Type Indicator is used as an example of how to understand personalities and flex your coaching style.

Chapter Six - Supporting Skills

The authors present the skills that make the Eight Step Coaching Model a positive and collaborative experience for the leader and employee. This chapter contains specific hints for managers to follow when using the Eight Step Coaching Model.

Chapter Seven - The Coach's Contribution

Explores a range of potential problems the manager must plan for. The manager's response to these issues will determine how he/she will approach and orchestrate the coaching meeting.

Chapter Eight - Coaching Lesson from the World of Sports

This section talks about the differences and similarities between these very different environments. There are good and bad lessons from the often over-exposed world of sports. This is one contrast that many business coaching books do not explore.

Chapter Nine - Positive Motivational Coaching

The book takes the coaching model beyond working with specific problems to coaching the above average performer or the employee who has not performance problem but needs a challenge or more job satisfaction in order to contribute to the organization.

Chapter Ten - Finding a Coach

This chapter explores the criteria for selecting a personal coach and how to work out an understanding or agreement with someone who can fulfill the coaching role for you.

Chapter Eleven - Coaching at Executive Levels

Here the authors talk about focusing the Coaching process on executive level relationships, performance issues, team leadership, and adapting to change. Many people assume that people who rise to the top are excluded from coaching initiatives. This can be a disastrous assumption and one that is thoroughly explored in this chapter.

Chapter Twelve - Concluding Thoughts

This section provides a number of ideas that help put the entire coaching process into perspective (Beyond Coaching, Group Problem Solving, etc.). Look at these as bonus ideas to help make what you have learned even more effective.


At the back of this coaching book, you will find a planning guide for coaching sessions and a summary of the training design CMOE has used to teach these concepts and skills to hundreds of thousands of managers around the world.

The Coach: Creating Partnerships for a Competitive Edge and our latest coaching book Win-Win Partnerships: Be on the Leading Edge of Synergistic Coaching can be purchased at our online bookstore. To learn more about the highly successful Coaching Skills Workshop, contact a CMOE representative at (888) 262-2499.

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