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Motivation Techniques that Ensure Life Long Success

Peter Murphy

To be successful at just about anything, requires a person to be motivated and stay motivated. At some point in our lives we tend to get discouraged and a lack of motivation more than likely will set in.

The more motivation techniques that are available to us, the more successful we will be in maintaining motivation in our lives. Here are four practical motivation techniques you can use right away...

1. Visual Goals

The importance of visual goals is high on the list of techniques. We as humans need to be rewarded for our efforts. Whether your goal be a vacation, a promotion, a lean body, or self worth, a visual goal will help you to achieve it.

Find a picture of whatever reminds you of your goals and cut it out. Put it somewhere that you will see it on a daily basis. By your coffee pot, by your mirror in the bathroom, or by your computer at work. The more visual that you can make your goal, the easier it will be to stay motivated.

2. Written contracts

Studies have proven that people who literally write their goals down on paper, are more likely to keep them than people who just merely say their goals aloud. This contract is between you and yourself. You simply write down what you are going to do and how you are going to do it.

You can even give yourself a deadline or timeframe. Then you sign and date it. Look at the contract often to remind yourself what it is that you are trying to achieve. Sometimes our goals get forgotten or put on the back burner. This contract will help you remember what it is that you are trying to achieve.

3. Rewards

It is so important to reward ourselves for a job well done. This can be as simple as a pat on the back, or going out and buying a new pair of jeans for losing 5 pounds. The rewards keep us motivated. The reward must be something that you want. If it isn't something you want, it isn't a reward.

4. Self confidence

Now this sounds easier than it is, however, with practice it will come. Walk around with a smile on your face. Walk with your head high, even though at first you will feel like you are faking it, it will become a habit and it will eventually become real! It can quickly become a self fulfilling prophecy.

Of course you need to distinguish between confidence and competence and be careful to not confuse the two. Still, confidence will keep you going in the face of adversity.

Motivation techniques are a very important part of keeping us motivated. Without them, we will fail. We must keep focused on the goals that we have set for us. We have to stay committed to these goals and they will work.

These techniques will remind us of what is really important to us. By going back and looking at the visual goals and the written contract, we will see what we want. By rewarding ourselves we will feel good about he goals we have set, and by applying self confidence to our lives, we will become self confident.

Finally, remember that it takes 21 days to establish a new habit. Stick at any new behavior for 21 days straight and you will have survived the most difficult stage. After those initial three weeks it becomes easier to maintain the positive new habit than it is to break it.

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report that reveals how to crush procrastination and sustain lasting motivation. Apply now because it is available for a limited time only at: motivation techniques.

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