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IMGCA Article - Mental Success Plans


Success the Mental Game

Martin Gover

Success is a trick.

Let me explain.

They say 50% of success is turning up, and 90% is turning up ready to play. The rest is just work.

To clarify, 90% of being successful is turning up to your tasks mentally ready to make it all work, come what may. The facts are irrelevant, the attitude is everything. Then work like hell.

That of course does not mean that you don't plan, that you don't set goals and targets and dates. You cannot hurl yourself at something and hope a Positive Attitude and elbow grease will win the day. Elbow grease (working hard) never achieves anything by itself. And a positive attitude is a wonderful thing but if it's not tied to something concrete it's just a smiling face going over a cliff.

As an entrepreneur who is looking to success, or an athlete training for an event, or any person who is some way or other solely accountable for an outcome, mostly by their own efforts - how you think about what you are doing, what your mindset is at any given time is what makes or breaks the project.

A serious athlete doesn't just turn up and work out with his or her iPod playing until it's time to go home. They have a plan. They have times and dates and lengths of time where different aspects of the body and muscles are trained and worked on. An athlete in training is totally engaged, because the mental aspect will make or break the eventually outcome. It's what they think about, and how they are thinking, when the body is ready to quit that makes Olympic champions.

It is the same in business. Usually it's not hard to figure out what has to be done within what time frame to reach a given goal. However sometimes, it's true; to even conceive that you can reach that particular goal may require a mental stretch. I know a lot of people, who when asked to plot a time frame to large goals put the completion date so far away they might as well have said, 'it's not going to happen, I can't do that". In fact that's what they were saying. And true enough they never made it.

For instance they say in the online world -'make $1 first before you worry about making a million'. That's true and not true.

If your game plan cannot produce a profit of $1 from the get go, then it's not going to succeed, no matter how hard you work. But on the other hand who is going to work hard for $1?

The goal must be something that energizes you, and of course is humanly possible. Trying to leap tall buildings in a single bound may be a stretch.

But let's say you have a goal of making $10,000 a month (as an example) in a given business that right now doesn't exist except in your mind. And let's say you given yourself 1 year, because that seems 'cool', and also it's a bit of a stretch as you've never made more than $2,000 a month ever, in anything, and your friends say you're crazy.

First of all make sure the business plan is doable, ideally have someone who is very successful in business, any business, check it out for you. Don't ask an employee at a bank or accounting form, don't ask any employee, ask someone who is a self-made entrepreneur in any field.

Now presuming the plan is workable, all it takes to make it work is - follow the plan.


Not Easy.

Here comes the trick. The trick is, not just to keep going when it seems nothing is working, the trick is to believe it is working when all around you say it isn't working - whether it's your husband or wife, dog, or great best friend from the local tavern etc.

Now built into the plan, if you want a successful business plan, are evaluation points. Dates when you stop and evaluate where you are and why you may not be where you thought you should be. A Time Out when you examine what is and isn't working. And this is not a time to be mindlessly positive. Here you make cold hard business decisions as to what to adjust trim or add to your work habit. But, unless you are so far off track you are not even on the same planet as the original plan - you reset, reload and go again. And completely believing, everything is exactly as it should be, and every step is a successful step.

It's called in sports, being in the zone.

It's called turning up ready to play, every day.

It's the mental trick.

Working is not hard for most of us, it's working energized and excited so that we attract what we need in terms of help, good karma and blind luck, just when we need it.

If let's say you love playing music, the piano let's say, and you are also talented - you progress and succeed in leaps and bounds. Yes you have the talent, but because you love playing you mentally storm over any obstacles that will complete block a person who has no great love of music, even if they put in as much as time as you. You think, and they think it's because of the talent (or the luck). It's not; it's because of the energized work.

In success, it's not the work; it's the energized work, the joy of doing that moves you though all obstacles.

Realistically you are not going to be overjoyed all the time it's not possible, but you can feel energized all the time, by deliberately planning the mental game as much as the physical work. By deliberately understanding the trick.

And the trick is to keep your mind engrossed and engaged until you reach your goal Just as the athlete continues despite the pain, or the dancer despite the broken toes, the swimmer with the pulled back muscles, you do it anyway and you do it as if everything was perfect.

Then at the finish line you can look around and wonder - "how the heck did I ever manage that?"

Martin Gover offers away many free tools for your success at And in idle moments, Martin Gover writes, on diverse, if not strange, subjects - check them out here-

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