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IMGCA Article - Quotations On Championship Thinking


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The IMGCA Quotations On Championship Thinking From Bill Cole, MS, MA is free to reprint and to post without asking us in advance. Feel free to put them in your newsletters, ezines, on walls, in locker rooms, in training areas, in classrooms, in hallways, etc. For full details about reprints:

Quotations On Championship Thinking
From Bill Cole, MS, MA

Bill Cole, MS, MA
Founder and President
The International Mental Game Coaching Association

  • Never allow the situation to determine how you think. YOU determine how you view the situation.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • The contest must be won in your mind before it even begins.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • You must win the contest in your mind before the real contest even begins.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • If you give up, one thing is certain. You will not succeed. So don’t give up.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • Don’t seek inspiration. Inspire yourself.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • Don’t avoid problems. Create success.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • Before you win, you must first win in your mind.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • Not to plan is to create a blueprint for failure.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • Winners don’t hope for victory. They seize victory.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • Hope is not a plan. Being intentional about what you are going to do is a plan.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • Winners are proactive. Losers are reactive.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • Small successes create huge victories.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • You can think you will lose and you can think you will win. Both ways you will be right.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • Do you hate to lose more, or do you love to win more? Choose your motivation and then go win.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • Motivation is over-rated. But creating your will to win is everything.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • To win, you must first overcome any fears of losing.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • To win, you must first come to terms with losing.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • Everyone has the fear of losing. Winners accept it as a possibility, forget about it, and drive hard to win.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • Winners compete fully. Losers hold back crucial parts of themselves.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • Winners play to win. Losers play not to lose.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • Winners drive towards winning. Losers try to avoid losing.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • Winners don’t try to save face. They give it everything they have to win. Losers make excuses in their minds, so they can save face if they lose.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • Winners give themselves permission to win. Losers seek permission to win from others.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • Winners love the battle. Losers compete reluctantly and under protest.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • Winners play positive mind games in their own head to create confidence. Losers play mind games on others in an effort to make up for their own perceived deficiencies.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • Make sure you enjoy the journey, because you never really arrive. There is always one more thing to do.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • Losers win because they want to. Winners win because they have to.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • Losers win when they want to. Winners win when they have to.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • Tournament victories are first won on the practice field.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • Sweat practice equity results in a big ROI on the competitive playing field.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • How bad do you want to win? THAT determines, in large part, IF you will win.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • Everyone has some negative mind chatter. Who’s in charge of what you think anyhow? Are you going to let some words stop you from winning?
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • Feel the fear. Feel the doubt. Feel the embarrassment. Win anyhow.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • Superior technique creates transcendence over mental obstacles.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • The contests you will remember best are the ones where you sweat the most, have the most doubt, are the most afraid, encounter the most problems, and where the opponent puts up the most resistance.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • Sports builds character. It also displays character.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • Winning is a state of mind. Now go create that state of mind.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • A dream is fine, but without an action plan it’s just fluff.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • Negative thoughts, negative mental images and negative emotions are all obstacles that will come into your mind and body. If you can let them come in, you can let them go out.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • Accept that the outcome of a competition is ALWAYS uncertain. Come to terms that you COULD lose, accept that as a possibility, and let it go. Dive into the competition with your heart and soul and get to work.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • Fear of losing is ALWAYS there, in every athlete. It’s part of being human. You will never fully get rid of this fear, but you can control it.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • This is perhaps the most important decision you can ever make: “Be bold and dare to succeed, and you might. Hold back and harbor fear and you never will.”
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • Drop your wish for an easy time. Drop your wish for no problems and smooth sailing. Drop your hopes that the opponent will play poorly so you can win easily.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • Notice when you are playing tentatively. This means your mind is going into “afraid to lose” mode.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • Give yourself the freedom to fail and you open up the powerful energy channels that allow you to win.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • Learn how to win. Let go of the uncontrollables and focus on what you need to do to succeed.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • Want to be a winner? Cultivate a healthy dislike of losing, and do everything in your power to avoid it.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • Get used to the silence of the zone. Get used to your mind being quiet as you perform. Get used to the lack of self-talk, self-judgment and self-criticism. That is the zone.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • Losers fear losing. Winners hate losing.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • Only you choose the words and pictures that go into your mind. Don’t react automatically to events around you. Think and act with intention and you’ll play closer to your potential more often.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

  • The words and pictures in your head determine the quality of your performance. Take responsibility for those words and images.
    Bill Cole, MS, MA

Copyright © Bill Cole, MS, MA, IMGCA. All rights reserved.

This article is free to reprint and, or to post without asking us. Put these in your newsletters, ezines, walls, locker rooms, training areas, classrooms, hallways, etc. For full details about reprints:

Bill Cole, MS, MA, a leading authority on peak performance, mental toughness and coaching, is founder and President of the International Mental Game Coaching Association, Bill is also founder and CEO of William B. Cole Consultants, a consulting firm that helps organizations and professionals achieve more success in business, life and sports. He is a Wall Of Fame Honoree, an award-winning scholar-athlete, published book author and articles author, and has coached at the highest levels of major-league pro sports, big-time college athletics and corporate America. For a free, extensive article archive, or for questions and comments visit him at or

Article Source: IMGCA

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