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IMGCA Article - Sportsmanship


The International Mental Game Coaching Association is a leader in the mental game of sport education for coaches, athletes and parents. IMGCA strongly believes that sport should be a living laboratory for learning about sportsmanship and for developing character. IMGCA has three sportsmanship pledges you can use: The Athlete Sportsmanship Pledge, the Parent Sportsmanship Pledge and the Coach Sportsmanship Pledge.

IMGCA has developed this parent sportsmanship pledge designed to foster self-development and to encourage healthy and ethical behavior throughout the sport experience.

At the bottom of this pledge you will find places for a signature and a date. IMGCA encourages readers to commit to this pledge. This pledge can be undertaken for one person, an entire team, a league or for any organization.

This article is free to reprint and, to post without asking us in advance. Feel free to put this in your newsletters, ezines, on walls, in locker rooms, in training areas, in classrooms, in hallways, etc. For full details about reprints:

IMGCA would like to hear from you if you have suggestions for ways to improve this pledge. Here now is the International Mental Game Coaching Association Parent Pledge:

The International Mental Game Coaching Association
Parent Sportsmanship Pledge

Bill Cole, MS, MA
Founder and President
The International Mental Game Coaching Association

I view sports as a worthwhile endeavor in and of itself, and also as a vehicle for learning valuable life lessons. I know that sports both display character and build character.


  1. I commit to knowing, displaying and promoting good sportsmanship.

  2. I commit to being a role model for good sportsmanship.

  3. I commit to understanding that I am an ambassador for my child's team, school, club, program or association.

  4. I commit to supporting the removal of negative and abusive coaches from my child's sport.

  5. I commit to supporting a sports environment that is free of drugs, tobacco and alcohol.

  6. I commit to respecting and supporting officials, administrators, staff and coaches, and will never do or say anything that would embarrass them.

  7. I commit to showing gratitude to officials, administrators, staff and coaches.

  8. I commit to allowing my child to make as many decisions about their sport as they are developmentally able.

  9. I commit to teaching my child good values that uphold the best virtues of sportsmanship, character and life lessons.

  10. I commit to supporting and respecting my child, win or lose.

  11. I commit to understanding the culture, rules and expectations in my child's sport.

  12. I commit to helping my child see the value of sports lessons as preparation for life itself.

  13. I commit to helping my child see valuable sport and life lessons even when they lose or play poorly.

  14. I commit to supporting the safety, behavior and communication guidelines of my child's coaches.

  15. I commit to not being a "helicopter parent", by refraining from hovering around sport activities my child attends, from practices to training session to competitions.

  16. I commit to refraining from behaving in a distractingly emotional, negative or nervous manner from the sidelines where my child or others can view this during a competition.

  17. I commit to refrain from yelling instructions and coaching comments to my child in the heat of competitive battle, or in training, which either distract or confuse my child.

  18. I commit to knowing the boundaries between being a parent, and being a coach, and I'll leave the coaching to the coaches.

  19. I commit to acknowledging and applauding good plays by the opposing team as well as my own.

  20. I commit to teaching my child the rules, traditions, history, ethics and context of their sport so they can thrive.



This article is free to reprint and, or to post without asking us. Put these in your newsletters, ezines, walls, locker rooms, training areas, classrooms, hallways, etc. For full details about reprints:

Copyright © Bill Cole, MS, MA 2011-2020. All rights reserved.

Bill Cole, MS, MA, a leading authority on peak performance, mental toughness and coaching, is founder and President of the International Mental Game Coaching Association, Bill is also founder and CEO of William B. Cole Consultants, a consulting firm that helps organizations and professionals achieve more success in business, life and sports. He is a Wall Of Fame Honoree, an award-winning scholar-athlete, published book author and articles author, and has coached at the highest levels of major-league pro sports, big-time college athletics and corporate America. For a free, extensive article archive, or for questions and comments visit him at or

Article Source: IMGCA

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