Present Moment Is Now
Katheryn Hoban
This is the moment to live, to create the life that you have
imagined moment by moment and enjoy the greatest peace. Live
in this moment and you will have a peaceful life, and you
can direct the source of flow for everything that you want
and goals that you are inspired towards.
The present moment is a quick brief breath. It is the only
moment that you have to do the work, to create, to inspire,
to lead, to pick yourself up. Do you think that you have some
day or tomorrow? No, there is no other day. Because when the
next day comes it is today once again. Your life is made up
of increments of present moments that flow together to create
another present moment, and another.
Your actions in this present moment determine your future.
Is your present moment one of complaining? So change it in
the next present moment. Is your present moment one of gratitude?
Take it to the next higher level. In this present moment you
are perfectly fine. You don't need anything. You do not need
to change. You are peaceful. If you choose to change, then
you can do so by focusing on what you want to become. If you
are worrying or fretting, then you are not exactly in the
present moment but you are concerned about a projected moment
somewhere in the future or a moment that has already passed.
These are projected future moments that may never come to
pass. A past moment is done, but it keeps going on in your
mind and your heart. I wasted a lot of my life worrying about
the past and the future. I realized how much I missed because
I was preoccupied with that future or what was already done
that I wanted to go back in time to change. You can't change
what is behind you. You can only readjust, readapt, recreate
yourself now. Don't wait.
Time is always on the move. Do you want to master something
in your life? Spend time now. Do you want to tell your friends
how much you love them? Take this moment to express it. They
won't be here tomorrow. Listen to how we always put things
off: Someday I'm going to learn how to paint. Someday when
I have some money. Someday I'm going to travel. Someday I'm
going to do volunteer work. Someday I'm going to learn to
ride a horse. Someday I'm going to write the next great mystery
novel. Someday I'm going to make a film.
There are a lot of people who want to get to the end without
doing the work and without passing through the moment. Each
and every moment is necessary to arrive at a precise coordinate
of an event coming into existence. A book is not written in
one day. A defining moment in your life comes about by choice,
by preparation, by working through it, and embracing each
moment as it presents itself and unfolds. If you are not living
completely in the present moment you may miss what is right
in front of you. It may be a huge opportunity, or a small
pathway, but if you are spending your moment in misery and
worry, that also becomes your next moment and maybe your next.
Ask yourself this question. Is my environment controlling
me or am I directing myself in the environment? Make a conscious
choice in this moment.
Really choose the moment. Since now is the only time we fully
have, this is the time to put into effect any transformation
that we want. For example, so many people have a challenge
with their appearance and their weight. Do you want to change
your appearance? Do you feel that you are carrying around
too much weight? Are you being controlled by the thought of
food or overeating? This moment is the only one that you have
to change it, to say, "I choose to be free of this addiction
in this moment. I want to be something different." If you
consistently choose moment by moment, your body will be transformed.
If you wish to drop or change a habit, this is the moment
to say, "I choose something other than. This no longer works
for me."
You can clearly design your life. It starts right now. Forget
whatever you did in the past. Don't concern yourself with
your age, or that you may have failed in the past. Take in
a big breath, and walk into a new moment. Stop belittling
yourself, pick yourself up, clearly think about who and what
you want to become and start doing it right now.
If you have never done anything like this before, or you don't
fully know how to do it, just let that thought and the fear
go. You become by practicing, by doing, by putting one foot
in front of the other, by putting one word after the other
on a page. If you have always wanted to act in a play, go
to a local community theater and make yourself available as
an actor. It's not the big time, but it is fulfilling a part
of you that has wanted to be creative. If that is not enough,
take acting classes.
Learning your craft will hone your skills and open another
opportunity for you to step into. If there are no resources
around you like that, create a group on your own. Or read
the newspaper or any written thing out loud to practice your
verbal skills or your interpretation skills. Whatever is necessary
start doing it now. In this moment, call yourself, as you
want to become. Don't criticize or judge your efforts. Just
do it now.
Some of us use the excuse that we are not talented, or we
don't know how. With the power of the Internet you have unlimited
resources of subjects that you can learn and gain knowledge
on. If you did something every day for an hour per day, in
one year's time you would have 365 hours under your belt.
If you kept at it you would rapidly become an expert. Even
if you don't have an hour per day, start with fifteen minutes
or thirty minutes per day. Let's say that you want to become
a writer. If you wrote just one page per day, in one year's
time you would have a 365 page book written. If you don't
start, how many pages will you have completed?
You don't have to quit any job that you have now while perfecting
who you want to become. Just make time, for your dreams, for
your learning, for your creative work. If you feel that you
want to quit your job, know the consequences of that action,
that you could be without money or funds until your project
gets up and running or produces some flow or income. Don't
let that stop you, though. Often, lack is a great motivator
to make something happen. Experience that present moment fully
and your choices. If you don't like your life and you want
to change your future, right now is the moment and the answer.
Copyright © 2006-2007 Yoga Kat
Yoga Kat teaches children's yoga ages 3-6, 7-12yrs
and Adults in NJ. The Author of the book DAUGHTER BELOVED
and created a children's affirmation CD and an adult affirmation
CD. Available for speaking and can be reached at yogakat@verizon.net,
201 970-9340 or www.thecircleofpeace.com
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