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IMGCA Article - The Mental Game of Weight Control


Is Your Weight Heavy On Your Mind?

Dr. Terry Doherty

Food is an addiction. Nutrition is an addiction. Weight Loss is an addiction. People all over the world are united in the fact that being healthy and feeling better about yourself is the best choice for everyone. For an overweight person or a person who has been medically defined as obese, this simple fact can weigh heavily on the mind. Losing weight seems like an easy task, but when food is an addiction, there are very real reasons why eating is more comfortable than the treadmill. The mind is at the centre of all decisions we make in life and the mind can control the food we eat. When food becomes more about pleasure than about sustenance, an addiction can be created and the very real side effect is extensive weight gain and health issues related to that weight gain.

Hypnosis and Weight Loss

To understand how hypnosis can be effective in treating overeating and food addiction, we must first look at the nature of the addiction. Food has become the centre of celebrations, from birthday parties to weddings, one of the first things on the "to-do" list is the food that will be served. In reality, the body does not need food that tastes great in order to survive and thrive. It simply needs foods that will provide the proper levels of vitamins, nutrients and calories to keep the body in tip top shape.

Once food becomes the centre of our world, we begin to show real signs of food addiction. The brain actually reacts to the sight of food by releasing endorphins and making us feel happier. Eating that food increases that feeling of happiness and then, hours later, when the food has digested and that sinking feeling begins to fill our stomachs, we realize that life should be more about living and less about eating.

Food addiction is a learned event and hypnosis can get the bottom of the subconscious triggers that cause us to feel the need for certain foods. Hypnosis retrains the mind to react in a normal way when food is seen and teaches us to stay in touch with our bodies needs more closely and to shy away from those wants that drive us to eat in overabundance.

A Natural Weight Loss Solution

Hypnosis is a natural and self propelled choice for weight loss. The slimming qualities of hypnosis are cantered in the fact that our minds were once trained to stop eating when we were full. Paediatricians will tell you that a baby can not overeat. They stop eating as soon as they are full and do not want more food or snacks until they are hungry again. Overeating is a learned behaviour that can be unlearned in order to provide a smooth, easy transition from being overweight to being a normal healthy weight naturally. There are no supplements, no pills promising to make you lose 30 pounds in 20 days. Just a natural progression from the learned overeating behaviour to the new behaviour that is native to the brain.

If you are tired of reading about this new weight loss program and you are simply feeling overwhelmed by all of the products on the market that promise to help you lose weight without you ever having to change your diet, think hypnosis. The step by step program moves along as you see fit and provides subconscious guidance for the mind to return to its natural state, the state that the brain was born with. An eating regime that is out of need and not out of want.

Losing weight seems like an easy task, but when food is an addiction, there are very real reasons why eating is more comfortable than the treadmill. The mind is at the centre of all decisions we make in life and the mind can control the food we eat. Food addiction is a learned event and hypnosis can get the bottom of the subconscious triggers that cause us to feel the need for certain foods. Hypnosis retrains the mind when food is seen and teaches us to stay in touch with our bodies.

Terry Doherty works all over the UK working extensively with individual and business clients helping them to stop smoking, manage weight, manage stress, become more confident and help create generative change. Terry uses the latest techniques of hypnosis, NLP and life coaching skills for profound change. Contact him at

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