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About the IMGCA

The IMGCA Mission IMGCA Overview Call For Leaders IMGCA Trainer Licenses Call for Publications Founder & President Advisory Board Welcome to the IMGCA News/Media Room IMGCA Logos

The International Mental Game Coaching Association

The IMGCA Mission

The mission of the International Mental Game Coaching Association is to advance the research, development, professionalism, and growth of the discipline of mental game coaching worldwide. The IMGCA was founded January 1, 2006 as an international membership organization.

The IMGCA is comprised of individuals and institutions interested in sports, movement, health, fitness, business, the arts, achievement, work-life balance, stress control, and peak performance. IMGCA members come from all walks of life, and have varied backgrounds in sports performance, coaching, teaching, writing, business and consulting. They are professionals, students, parents, and interested observers of the mental game.

IMGCA Overview

The IMGCA was the first international mental game coaching membership organization, created January 1, 2006. It remains the only international mental game coaching membership organization in the world today. There are numerous opportunities to become engaged in the IMGCA community. The IMGCA is the global leader in advancing the growth of the mental game:

  1. IMGCA membership in five categories.
  2. Twenty-two IMGCA member benefits.
  3. IMGCA certification as a Mental Game Practitioner at four levels.
  4. Fifteen Certified Mental Game Practitioner benefits.
  5. IMGCA honors, awards and recognition.
  6. IMGCA member directory.
  7. IMGCA Coach Finder.
  8. IMGCA Speakers Bureau.
  9. IMGCA Research projects.
  10. Special mental game articles for IMGCA members only.
  11. IMGCA publication, The International Mental Game Coaching Journal.
  12. "Members In the News" section on the IMGCA web site.
  13. IMGCA meetings and symposiums.
  14. National, regional and state IMGCA chapters.
  15. Opportunities to become involved in IMGCA leadership.

The IMGCA Calls For Leaders

The IMGCA is actively seeking qualified, interested people to be IMGCA leaders in their states, regions and countries. The IMGCA is also seeking people to be on the IMGCA Advisory Board.

Become Licensed as an IMGCA Certification Trainer

The IMGCA welcomes inquiries from Mental Game Experts and Level IV IMGCA Certified Mental Game Professional Coaches who wish to become licensed trainers in the IMGCA Certification training programs. For details, see How To Become Licensed To Teach The IMGCA Certification Programs.

The IMGCA Calls For Publications

The IMGCA is actively seeking articles for its web site and journal, The International Mental Game Coaching Journal. These articles may be research-based, observational, clinical, editorial, historical, or of any other type that would be of interest to our members.

IMGCA Founder and President

  Bill Cole, IMGCA President and founderVisit Bill on FacebookVisit Bill Cole on TwitterVisit Bill Cole on LinkedIn

IMGCA President and Founder Bill Cole, MS, MA is one of the most prominent, prolific and successful performance psychology consultants working today. Headquartered in Silicon Valley, California, he maintains a global consultancy, traveling the world advising top performers. He is the mental game coach to celebrity athletes, top business people in sales and public speaking, physicians, people undergoing the pressures of interviews, musicians and actors in Hollywood and military and police. He has been the mental game coach or consultant to Olympic athletes who have won Bronze, Silver and Gold medals. He's coached thousands of recreational, junior high, high school, college, professional, world champion and world record-holding athletes.

Bill has been the mental game coach or sports psychology consultant with athletes or coaches of 25 world and national teams, 11 international and Olympic teams, 32 professional sports teams, associations or leagues, and of athletes who have won 40 world and national championships. He has been the mental game trainer for thousands of athletes, coaches and parents in over 100 sports, at all ages and skill levels.

Bill has been a leader in the field of sport psychology for over 40 years, as a scholar, researcher, writer, teacher, coach, athlete, trainer, speaker and consultant. He is a thought leader and expert in the worlds of peak performance, coaching and the mental game. He is the Founder and President of the International Mental Game Coaching Association, which trains and certifies mental game coaches worldwide.

Bill's imaginative, visionary work has been profiled thousands of times in both the electronic and print media, and as a media personality Bill has developed, pitched and sold his ideas in Hollywood and has successfully worked in front of the camera, as well as behind it:

Bill is an internationally and nationally recognized authority on performance psychology and coaching. An award-winning scholar-athlete, he has coached at the highest levels of Olympic, major-league pro sports and big-time college athletics. A multiple Hall-Of-Fame honoree as an athlete, coach and school alumnus, he is an in-the-trenches coach and consultant and is the creator and developer of many leading-edge workshops, seminars and training programs. Bill has authored multiple books and over 550 articles worldwide. He also maintains a busy practice in sports psychology coaching at his offices in Fremont, for both California clients and clients all over the world, by telephone and video conference. His sports psychology web site is which offers a valuable 65-question assessment tool at no charge to assist athletes and other performers in determining what is getting in the way of performing to their fullest potential.

Bill Cole is a pioneer in the field of sports psychology. He was the first person in the world to be awarded a Bachelor of Science (with honors) in Sport Psychology. This was from The State University Of New York at Buffalo. As an undergraduate, he was awarded the Albert Zeigler Award for academic excellence. As a graduating senior, he won the Clifford R. Furnas Award as a University Scholar-Athlete. He holds a Master of Science in Physical Education with specialization in sport psychology from California State University-Fullerton (1986). In his last year he was inducted into Psi Chi, The National Honor Society In Psychology. In 1997 he graduated from Santa Clara University with a Master of Arts degree in Counseling Psychology.

"Bill Cole is a leading Olympic sports psychologist."
British Broadcasting Corporation (The BBC)

"Bill Cole is a pioneer in performance psychology."
USA Today

"Bill Cole is a world-leading authority on sports psychology."
New Idea Magazine, Coleman-Rayner, LLC

"Bill Cole is a leading author on sports psychology."
Yahoo! Sports

"Bill Cole is a renowned sports psychologist and 'mental game coach' who helps athletes cope with the demands of intense competition."
CNET Magazine

"Bill Cole is a leading sports psychology expert."
Sky News, England

"Performance psychology consultant Bill Cole has counseled many of the world's top athletes and knows how to combat stress and anxiety."
Forbes Magazine

"Bill Cole is an Olympic sport psychologist."
Stab Magazine

"Bill Cole is a renowned sports psychologist."
The Boston Herald

"Bill Cole, president and founder of the International Mental Game Coaching Association, says the key to achievement is enthusiasm for your goals. Cole coaches both Olympic and major-league athletes, and teaches his disciplinary techniques to corporate America."

Learn more about Bill Cole in his expanded bio.

IMGCA Advisory Board

The IMGCA Advisory Board is comprised of experts from around the world. These top professionals are highly regarded leaders in their field and offer their wisdom, expertise, and guidance in making the IMGCA website the most accurate, informative, and useful mental game resource available anywhere.

The Advisory Board is an international group of experts, chosen by invitation only. The IMGCA specifically picked these individuals, consisting of top coaches, teachers, consultants, researchers and innovative thought leaders, to be part of our Advisory Board because of their insight and leadership in the field.

This Advisory Board will be instrumental in developing thought leadership and defining standards throughout the field. The members of the IMGCA Advisory Board will assist the association in defining strategic areas and in identifying future trends in the discipline of the mental game. Each board member will strategize with the IMGCA to provide valuable guidance on the association's editorial agenda as well as on special projects, issues and events.

We look forward to working closely with each one of them as we strive to continue providing the most comprehensive and pertinent information in the field. Forming an Advisory Board with such a diverse group of industry leaders will help the IMGCA continue to be at the forefront of thought leadership, which is our promise to our members.

Advisory Board Members:

Bill Cole - Performance Psychology Expert
Bill Cole is also the founder and president of IMGCA. See his bio information above.

Rodney King - Mental Game of Martial Arts Expert
Rodney King is noted as a leading expert in functional martial arts and performance coaching. Learn more about Rodney King.

Dr. Mario Garcia - Mental Game of Peak Performance Expert

Dr. Mario Garcia is a leading expert in peak performance coaching. Learn more about Dr. Mario Garcia.

Dr. Mike Drysdale - Golf Psychology Expert, Assessments Expert And Educational Psychology Expert. Mike Drysdale, Ph.D is an expert in the mental game of golf and in assessments. Learn more about Dr. Mike Drysdale.

Ing. Radek Sefcik - Peak Performance Strategist and Mental Game Coach. Radek Sefcik is one of the most prominent mental game coaches in Europe, a double black belt martial artist-teacher and a leading hand-to-hand combat expert. Learn more about Radek Sefcik.


The International Mental Game Coaching Association logo can be used by meeting planners, associates and others for their websites or printed materials mentioning the IMGCA. Please ask for our permission before using our logo. For your convenience, we are providing the IMGCA logo in various sizes.

Note that there is a special version of the logo including the word "Member" for the exclusive use of IMGCA members. That logo can be downloaded by logging into the Members Only section of the website and selecting "IMGCA Member Logos" from the menu.

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The International Mental Game Coaching Association
Phone: 408-705-8877

Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 10am-6pm PST. Closed weekends and holidays.
Private backrooms in the IMGCA membership and certification areas are open 24-7, 365 days a year.

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