The IMGCA certifies practitioners worldwide. To assist you
in arranging class times from your time zone we suggest you
consult this international time converter.
Local time for IMGCA is Fremont, California (same time zone
as San Francisco, California) which is Pacific Time Zone.
To arrange a class time, consult this chart and send us an
email with a variety of your potential class times, across
the breadth of the day (morning, day, evening) and the week
(Monday-Saturday). We will consult our calendar and match
up times.
Here's how to use the international time converter:
1. Go to
2. Choose your location from the list at the left of the page.
Then you should see your current time displayed.
3. To calculate times in Fremont, California corresponding
to your available times, enter one of your available dates
& times in the "Time Here, Time There" section of the
page and click Submit.
4. Then you should see the date and time at your location,
along with a map, near the top of the page. Select "United
States - California" from the list below your map. Then
you should still see your date, time & map displayed at
the top, and now the equivalent date & time in California
will be displayed below it, along with a map showing California.
5. Make a note of both the time at your location and the equivalent
time in California.
6. Repeat for your other available times.
7. Send the list of available times (both at your location
and in California) to